How to get over heart break very fast

How to Get Over Heartbreak Fast


Oct. 05, 2018

Don't make calls to or take calls from the heart breaker. Now is not the time to be calling friends to talk about him or her. 

Now is the time to temporarily  cut ties.

Understand that it has happened and you can't do anything about it. You can't force anyone to want you no matter how perfect you are.

Grieve if you want but if you can't do anything about it then it's time to move on. Yes cry if you want, remember the good and bad times but be sure to tell yourself when the time is up that you need to move on with your life.

Talk to your friends about how you feel and what role you need them to play in your life at that point. Do you want them to just be good listeners? Do you need them to help you figure out what you want to do next?

Stay away from friends who will insinuate that you're the cause of a breakup or you're not good enough for that partner or you need to get that partner back by all means or that you need to seek revenge. Revenge over what exactly

Get close to nature at all times. Enjoy the beauty  and benefit while you deal with your loss. Nature has a way of relaxing your mind and giving you inner peace that helps you think.

See movies, watch a lot of comedy. You'll laugh a lot and in the process you might catch yourself laughing  at you for making certain decisions.

Seeking closure by going to talk to them is a farce. You don't get closure, you just open up the scar. So find your closure on your own.

Do not, I repeat do not start a new relationship because you think it will cure your heart ache because it won't and you'll end up hurting the person in the new relationship.

Yes hang out with friends as much as you can. Do a lot of girls night or boys night and stay  away from couples hang out especially  ones that will put pressure  on you to get into another relationship.

Focus on work. Let the hurt you feel help you build a better career. Give all the time you used to spend on heartbreaker to your job and see how you'd turn out to be very proud of you.

If a new person comes around don't start conversations with I can't trust anyone or I can't get over what my ex did. That's why they are X because you can't find them. So get over it and thread carefully with the new person without shoving your hurt or exes in their face.

Take your self out, shop, try new delicacies,  try new hairstyles and any new thing you've been promising yourself for years. Check your list of things I must do before I am 50 and do them.

Let yourself radiate love. Be nice to people, care for people, meet needs, pay attention not because you want another relationship but because it helps you to get lot of love in return with no strings attached.

By Ben 


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